As part of the three-lesson INGKA course with InDesign and Photoshop.
- Coming from InDesign via contextual menu Edit in Photoshop
- Intro to Photoshop
- InDesign can crop, scale, rotate, change transparency. But not change contrast, sharpness, change contents in general.
- Photoshop can handle both vector and pixel/raster graphics but excels at the latter.
- Extremely (overly) powerful in most cases. Generates large, complex files. Only use Photoshop when you have to.
- Comes with Camera raw mini-program for most commonly used photo enhancements.
- Quick demo of the Filter gallery
- An alternative is Lightroom which also gives you the cataloging functionality, you can use Bridge also
- Layout of the program
- Same as Indesign in principle (the control field is technically called the options field..)
- Suggest to use the Photography workspace.
- You will work a lot in the Layers panel
- Commonly used tools
- Move tool (black cursor)
- Selection tools i e marching ants tools
- (Pen tool)
- Clone stamp/healing brush tool
- Brush tool (for layer masks)
- Intro to non-destructive editing
- Duplicating your background
- Working with (many) layers
- Smart objects
- Smart filters
- Adjustment layers
- Layer masks
- Saving as PSD file format
- Wishes from participants:
- Remove a background / do a cutout: Exercise 1 (selection tool on a cake)
- Basic image enhancements: Contrast, sharpness/clarity, saturation
- Use a cutout image in InDesign.
- If there is time:
- Highlighting in Photoshop: Vignetting, masking, sharpening/blurring
More advanced level (not included in the basic course)
- Different file formats
- Graphic design tips for ”graphic” cutouts
- Exercise 2: Make a cutout using the Pen tool on some sheets
- Conclusion of the course. Evaluation